You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it

So I had a meeting with the person in charge of the world’s largest fleet of Boeing 757s and 767s. He gave me the best backhanded compliment for improving the Pound/Minute measure by a factor of 10. He smiled and told me “You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it.” I will share these secrets in this article.

He liked my idea of using images to increase the ability for pilots to absorb more information and links to get the correct answer the first time every time, but he thought right now his airline had bigger problems. I responded by saying my idea is just what they need because it could reduce dwell time on the ground by a factor of 9. (see Pilot Training Nine Times Faster – Think About That)

When I left his office, he did ask as an aside how my solution would work on an EICAS Message. I would like to think he liked my concept to reduce the Informational Footprint, but he had too many fires to put out. I did come with a concept for him in a week and sent him a video that was less than 30 seconds. I will show you on the Apollo 11 Interactive Virtual Exhibit how I did it and explain it in this article.

As I explain in previous articles, search engines are popularity contests for information. The more people who search on a topic and follow the path to the wrong answer, the more popular, or the better the confidence level, to the incorrect answer is ingrained into the internet.

The way to break out of this problem is to “instruct” the software to give the correct answer. This is done by finding the correct answer first and “teaching” the software so there is no question what the answer is. Think of being taught by your instructor as opposed to figuring it out for yourself. The best person in any skill is taught how to do it correctly, and that is what we need to do to the software.

Next, we must use the technology to make it quicker to find the correct answer the first time, every time. This is done using the linking and other abilities that the internet provides. This eliminates the need for a confidence level and, in turn, the need for search results. It literally makes Google obsolete. (See E-Manuals, The Disrupter of Google ?). This allows the internet to be 9 times faster than paper.

Next, we use images instead of words. Preliminary tests have shown this around 12 times faster. The reason why is human physiology. Our brains can grasp an image faster than symbols or words. This is the why the interactive poster was so well received. It is also why I was told “You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it.”

In the future, I will be creating and testing interactive virtual manual. I estimate it will be 20 times faster than paper and Google or any other search engine. This is not only because it is correct the first time, every time, but because it is one image that can cover the whole interior or exterior of an extraordinarily complex machine. I have created an interactive virtual manual for the Apollo 11 Command Module and you can see how easy it is to use at Apollo Spacecraft Intelligent Manual – Panoramic Edition ).

So that is nice, but why should the aerospace industry do this? It comes down to Money. According to DOT data, all costs for an aircraft on average comes to around $52 a minute. That includes crew, fuel, maintenance, and other variable costs. Now think of how it would reduce the lift per time, pound per minute calculation.

Example, last week we had a mechanical issue that cost us 40 minutes and at the end we had to come back to the gate. I would not have eliminated that issue, but I would have reduced it by a factor of 20. That would equate to 2 minutes instead of 40 minutes. That is a reduction in dwell time of 38 minutes.

If we take the time savings, 40 minus 2, that equates to 38 minutes. 38 times $52 comes to $1976. If those issues of dwell time happen each day, that comes to $721,240 a year. Not a bad savings.

The great thing is get to experiment. I let you see what I am working on at the World’s only Interactive Virtual Spacecraft Museum. Then I post the results of using the technology here. That’s why aerospace leader’s say “You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it.” But here you get to decide if I am too far ahead for you.

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