How the Moon Helped Create $1.4 Trillion GPS Industry

Did you know that a key to our GPS systems lies… on the Moon? In 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts placed the Laser Ranging Retroreflector (LRRR) on the Moon. This device reflects laser beams sent from Earth, allowing scientists to measure the Earth-Moon distance to the millimeter. It’s Moon Helped Create $1.4 industry.

Mission to Moon Helped Create $1.4 Trillion

Here’s where it gets fascinating: this precision paved the way for GPS. GPS relies on time calculations across vast distances—concepts perfected through experiments like LRRR. Scientists used the LRRR to measure the Moon’s distance within millimeters—an achievement that became foundational for GPS by refining Einstein’s space-time equations. Scientists applied these equations to GPS satellites, enabling them to pinpoint your location in real-time.

Thanks to GPS, we enjoy accurate navigation, optimized shipping routes, and real-time global positioning. Whether you’re using GPS for driving, delivery services, or finding your lost pet, this technology has contributed to the global economy. Since its commercialization, GPS has created $1.4 trillion in economic benefits, underscoring the incredible returns of space exploration.

Let’s Take Action Together!
For over 50 years, the Moon’s legacy lives in our technology. The legacy of Apollo still fuels our modern lives in ways that are seamless unless we look deeper into our devices. It’s time to spread the word about what space exploration does for us. And the next time you use GPS, tip your hat to the Moon.

The legacy of the LRRR experiment is vast. From pinpointing the Earth’s distance from the Moon to inspiring the GPS technology we rely on daily, this small device has done so much. To see more details on how the LRRR works, check out our post, Laser Ranging Retro Reflector. See more articles like this at our Blog – Spacecraft Guide. Share this article to show why we must keep reaching for the stars.

🚀 Decoding the Apollo ECS🌌

🌬️ Decoding the Apollo Environmental Control System (ECS)

Ever wondered how astronauts breathe, stay cool, and maintain a habitable environment in the vastness of space? The Apollo ECS is the unsung hero, orchestrating a symphony of functions. From providing a comfortable atmosphere for astronauts to decompressing and repressurizing the cabin, it’s a critical component of lunar module operations.

The Apollo ECS

❄️ Cooling, Oxygen, Water — The Apollo ECS Essentials

Join us as we explore the various facets of the Apollo ECS. It’s not just about air; it’s about ensuring the right temperature, providing oxygen for breathing, managing water for various needs, and even facilitating food preparation. It’s the life support system that makes survival possible beyond Earth.

Apollo ECS Panel

🚀 Anatomy of the Apollo ECS

Venture into the lunar module’s Apollo ECS and discover its anatomy. With major components spread across the cabin, aft equipment bay, and descent stage, the ECS is a marvel of engineering. Get ready to explore the atmospheric revitalization section, oxygen supply, water management, and more!

💡 Powering the Apollo ECS

The lifeblood of the ECS is a 28-volt DC bus, drawing power from the electrical power system. It’s a reminder that even in the vastness of space, power is crucial to sustaining life and ensuring the spacecraft functions seamlessly.

🌐 Interactive Virtual Reality Experience

For space enthusiasts hungry for more, we invite you to our Patreon page. Experience an interactive virtual reality museum where you can explore spacecraft components with a simple click. Dive into the intricacies of the lunar module, understand its systems, and even visit the surface of the moon virtually. Spacecraft Interactive Virtual Museum | creating Interactive Virtual Museum Exhibits | Patreon

🚀 Engage with Us!

Drop your thoughts, questions, and favorite spacecraft components in the comments below. Let’s spark a conversation about the wonders of space exploration!

Want to see how this work in an Interactive Panorama? Get this eBook Here

Apollo Spacecraft Intelligent Manual – Panoramic Edition: Interactive Guide of the First Spacecraft to Bring Man to the Moon Kindle Edition

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Thank you for watching this video to the end. Every click, every share, every subscription propels us further into the unknown. Your support fuels our passion for space exploration. From the Spacecraft Virtual Reality Spacecraft Museum Exhibit team, thank you!  #SpaceExploration #Apollo11 #VirtualMuseum

Lunar Module’s RCS Components

Unveiling the Secrets of Lunar Module’s RCS Components

Welcome back, space enthusiasts! In this week’s blog post, we’re taking a fascinating dive into the components of the Reaction Control System (RCS) that played a critical role in guiding and stabilizing the lunar module during its descent and ascent to the moon. But that’s not all; we have some exciting news about our Black Friday special and an exclusive treat for our Patreon members. So, let’s get started on the Lunar Module’s RCS Components!

The Marvel of the RCS

At the heart of the lunar module’s maneuvering capabilities were 16 small but mighty rockets known as Thrust Chamber Assemblies (TCAs). These rockets were strategically positioned to provide control over the module’s movement in the X, Y, and Z axes. What’s remarkable is that these TCAs operated much like the main propulsion system but on a smaller scale. In fact, they were so similar that, in case of need, the RCS could tap into the fuel from the ascent engine, providing redundancy and safety during the mission.

Unlocking the Control

One crucial component that deserves attention this week is the Lunar Module Guidance Computer Thruster Pair Quad Command Quad Switches (quite a mouthful, right?). Astronauts affectionately referred to them as the LGC Thrust Pair Command Quads. These switches held significant power, controlling signals to and from the Lunar Module Guidance Computer, telemetry data, and the caution and warning talkback systems. They were the nerve center for ensuring that Neil Armstrong and his fellow astronauts stayed safe on their historic lunar journey.

Join the Cosmic Adventure

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the inner workings of space technology. The Reaction Control System and the Lunar Module’s incredible components continue to inspire and intrigue us. Stay tuned for more exciting space exploration content. We appreciate your support in watching this video. If you enjoyed it, please like, subscribe, and share.  Every click, every share, every subscription propels us further into the unknown.

And for those who want to take their support a step further, consider visiting our Patreon page through this link Spacecraft Interactive Virtual Museum | creating Interactive Virtual Museum Exhibits | Patreon 🚀🌕 #SpaceTech #BlackFriday #Apollo11

Apollo’s Translational Control System

Unveiling the Secrets of Spacecraft Controls: A Journey Through Apollo 11 Training

Are you ready for an exciting journey through the inner workings of Apollo 11’s Translational control system? Buckle up as we explore the electronic format of the information astronauts like Neil Armstrong used during their rigorous training.

A Click Unveils It All

Just a click on the transitional control takes you into a world of diagrams, explanations, and movements. This is the very information that guided those historic lunar missions. It’s like stepping into Neil Armstrong’s shoes, but in a digital format. Hyperlinks within the documents make navigation a breeze – no more scrolling or searching. It’s all at your fingertips.

Apollo’s Translational Control System Demystified

Ever wondered how the stabilizing control system works? Look no further. Our interactive exhibit provides all the answers. Dive into this treasure trove of knowledge, click away, and explore to your heart’s content. We value your feedback – it’s what makes these exhibits even better!

Exciting Updates to the Spacecraft Interactive Virtual Museum

We’ve been busy making the Spacecraft Interactive Virtual Museum an even more rewarding experience for you.

  • Easier Access: Finding us is a snap. Just go to Patreon and enter “SIVR Museum” after You’ll be right where you want to be.
  • New Benefits: We’ve added more benefits for our supporters. Apart from our heartfelt thanks, you’ll receive a free interactive poster of your choice after the first year. No competition – just your continued support!
  • Stay Informed: Get exclusive updates on our projects, like this video, and stay in the know about any contests or giveaways we run. It’s our way of saying thanks for being part of our journey.

Join Us Today!

Your support fuels our mission. Every click, every share, every subscription propels us further into the unknown. Join us as we continue to bring you captivating insights into the realm beyond our blue planet. We thank you for being a part of this cosmic adventure.

Embark on this journey now: Interactive Virtual Reality ISS Spacecraft Exhibit

Your support means the world to us. For just $4 a month, you can help us continue creating these interactive virtual museum exhibits. Click the link below to visit our Patreon page and be part of our mission to explore and educate about the wonders of space exploration.

Thank you for watching this video to the end. Like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments below. Your support fuels our passion for space exploration. From the Spacecraft Interactive Virtual Museum team, thank you! ?? #SpaceExploration #Apollo11 #VirtualMuseum

How to Turn Your Phone into a VR Viewer Turn This post into an immersive vr experience below!

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Note: Prices and availability of VR headsets may vary. Please check local retailers or online stores for the most up-to-date information.

The Explosive Device Master Arm Switch

Our journey into the explosive devices subsystem takes us to Panel 8, a place of intricate mechanisms and immense importance. Our spotlight shines on the Explosive Device Arm Switch – the linchpin that commands the orchestra of lunar exploration. Clicking on this switch unveils the Explosive Device Master Arm Switch, a triple-pole double-throw switch with a two-position lever locking toggle mechanism. This is no ordinary switch; it’s the key that ignites the magic.

Unraveling the Mechanism

This formidable switch holds the power to arm the explosive devices subsystem, a crucial step that sets the stage for what’s to come. In the “On” position, it grants access to the activation of all lunar module explosive devices. How does it do this, you ask? By actuating redundant relays that channel power to the Explosive Device System (EDS) buses. Remember, EDS stands for Explosive Device System buses – this is the lifeline that fuels the explosive power within the lunar lander.

Apollo 11 Courtesy NASA

The Explosive Device Master Arm Switch: A True Powerhouse

Let’s dive into the schematics to visualize how this switch amplifies lunar exploration. When the Master Arm Switch is toggled to “On,” a surge of power courses through the system. Imagine it as the ignition sequence that breathes life into every function within the explosive devices subsystem. The magic unfolds: landing gear deployment, propellant tank pressurization, descent propellant venting, and much more. Each switch and indicator draws its power from this master switch, creating a symphony of activity.

The Crucial Role of the Arm Position

Now, here’s where the significance becomes truly remarkable. Without the Master Arm Switch in the “Arm” position, none of these functions can be activated. The landing gear will remain in stasis, the propellant tanks won’t pressurize, and the lunar dreams remain tethered to Earth’s realm. This single switch, in its unassuming demeanor, holds the fate of lunar exploration in its hands.

Understanding the “Why” Behind the “Boom”

But why the explosive devices? It’s a natural question, and we have an answer waiting for you in our General section. Discover the reasoning behind this bold utilization of explosive power, as we shed light on the role it plays in astronaut safety and lunar conquest.

As we wrap up this exhilarating exploration of the Explosive Device Arm Switch, let’s remember that this switch isn’t just a mundane mechanism; it’s a lifeline, a conduit to exploration, a key to the cosmos. So, share this journey with fellow space aficionados, for the universe beckons us to unveil its secrets, one explosive device at a time.

Stay curious, stay electrified, and keep reaching for the stars!

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Scouts BSA VR Astronauts on the ISS

Goal: Navigate the International Space Station to the Airlock and Cupola. 

•Working together, get to the Cupola. One person reads the map, the other person moves through the VR model. Once a Player has made it to their destination, they switch, and one person reads the Map, and the other person uses the VR headset to navigate to the Cupola.  •

•Background: Scouts will learn about the difficulties Astronauts have with navigating the International Space Station. Astronauts experience disorientation and vertigo in the ISS because there is no up and down. There is no true North either, so they must use Forward, Aft, Port, and Starboard.  

Question: How do you navigate with no reference to up or down, left or right, or true North?

1).Have Scouts scan barcode to bring up VR application. 

2.If the scout does not have a phone, Have STEM person at Table use their phone. Have everyone work in pairs. Groups of three are also fine for odd numbers.

3) Explain to them the challenge of navigating where there is no true North

•Show them

Forward, toward front of Spacecraft

Aft, toward Back of Spacecraft

Port, the Spacecrafts left ( Remember Port and Left have the same amount of letters)

Starboard, the Ship’s right 

•Show them the Map of the International Space Station. Show them all the parts


Kibo –(JPL)







Air Lock

4) Set your phone to use Google Cardboard. Scan QR Code below to see how to set up phone on Google Cardboard

Give one person the VR Goggles, (Google Cardboard.). Show them how to move in the VR environment by putting the dot on the target by moving everyone into the Columbia module.

5) Moving to the next component – •Show them how to move in the VR environment by putting the dot on the target by moving everyone into the Columbia module.

To move to next component, move your head to put small dot on Black Circle Target.

6) Once everyone is trained and has had a chance to move once in the Virtual Reality,

Give one person the VR Goggles, the other person the map.

If the person who has the map can bring up the ISS VR image on his phone without google cardboard and would like to use that too to see what the person with VR Goggles is looking at, that is fine too. 

7) Game

1.The person with the map guides the person with the VR Goggles from the Columbia Module to the Cupola Module.

2.When the person with the VR Goggles gets to the Cupola, show the STEM Person working the STEM table to verify they are at the Cupola. 

3.Have the Scouts discuss how to get around the inside of the ISS easier. 1.Look for ways NASA informs the astronauts what are the next components

Switch User

1.Have the Scouts switch their jobs. The new person with the map guides the person with the VR Goggles from the Cupola to the Air Lock with the same techniques as above.

2.Once the Scout is at the Air Lock, they are done.

3.If there is a third Person, have them use the VG Goggles to get to the Kibo Module. Discuss if they have an idea to make the getting around the inside of the ISS easier. Decide which other Scout will guide the Scouts with the VR Goggles.

Go-To Sources

Apollo 13’s Lunar Module Pilot Fred Haise, a go-to source of mine, made an unusual statement on the Space Hipsters Facebook Live Event. He explained that he looked at Boeing’s Starliner telemetry data and said if there was a human on board, they could have monitored and made corrections to save the mission and dock with the International Space Station.  

I did some more research and found this from Darrell Etherington from Tech Crunch. “Bridenstine, (the Head of NASA,) also speculated that were NASA astronauts actually on board, they would “absolutely” have “been safe,” and that they probably could’ve assisted and overcome the automation error encountered via manual control to save the mission.”

I would argue the ground crew was unable to correct the orbit because there is too much data and too few humans to comprehend it all. We have no problem capturing data, we have a problem finding what is important within all this captured data. This is what I have spent the last 20 years working on and what you can use to find any piece of information on Spacecraft in one click, with the help of go-to sorces.

20 years ago I helped Airlines convert from paper to electronic information by writing a plan with steps to keep it up to data. One thing I did not count on is the amount of data that would be produced because of the ease of creating more information. I then pivoted from converting data to finding data. Years of testing with Airline Pilots helped me create documents with huge amounts of functionality.

With information literally doubling every year, I have used go-to sources as a way to find what Pilots need in one click and still be able to include new data. Because of this ability, I have turned e-books into hyper-efficient manuals based on images like the one below.

The testing with pilots was unbelievable, 9 times faster than current Aviation Information Systems. But what was really astonishing was when I tested it on space enthusiasts on the Apollo 11 Program. The same type of go-to sources model with the same format showed an unbelievable amount of use on the web site.

A web based prototype of the Apollo 11 Control Panels I created received a high number of hits and positive feedback on Facebook Apollo11Guide. Even on Twitter, @ShuttleGuide, not only did lots of likes, I received a like from Michael Collins. Frank Borman was asked if he liked the interactive poster I created and he told the EAA, “If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have Signed it!”

So if there is one take away you can learn from this article, it’s that search engines have so much data that doubles every year, that they cannot find what you need in a timely manner. If you want to get the correct information the first time every time, you need a one click strategy with go-to sources like the e-books below.

You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it

So I had a meeting with the person in charge of the world’s largest fleet of Boeing 757s and 767s. He gave me the best backhanded compliment for improving the Pound/Minute measure by a factor of 10. He smiled and told me “You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it.” I will share these secrets in this article.

He liked my idea of using images to increase the ability for pilots to absorb more information and links to get the correct answer the first time every time, but he thought right now his airline had bigger problems. I responded by saying my idea is just what they need because it could reduce dwell time on the ground by a factor of 9. (see Pilot Training Nine Times Faster – Think About That)

When I left his office, he did ask as an aside how my solution would work on an EICAS Message. I would like to think he liked my concept to reduce the Informational Footprint, but he had too many fires to put out. I did come with a concept for him in a week and sent him a video that was less than 30 seconds. I will show you on the Apollo 11 Interactive Virtual Exhibit how I did it and explain it in this article.

As I explain in previous articles, search engines are popularity contests for information. The more people who search on a topic and follow the path to the wrong answer, the more popular, or the better the confidence level, to the incorrect answer is ingrained into the internet.

The way to break out of this problem is to “instruct” the software to give the correct answer. This is done by finding the correct answer first and “teaching” the software so there is no question what the answer is. Think of being taught by your instructor as opposed to figuring it out for yourself. The best person in any skill is taught how to do it correctly, and that is what we need to do to the software.

Next, we must use the technology to make it quicker to find the correct answer the first time, every time. This is done using the linking and other abilities that the internet provides. This eliminates the need for a confidence level and, in turn, the need for search results. It literally makes Google obsolete. (See E-Manuals, The Disrupter of Google ?). This allows the internet to be 9 times faster than paper.

Next, we use images instead of words. Preliminary tests have shown this around 12 times faster. The reason why is human physiology. Our brains can grasp an image faster than symbols or words. This is the why the interactive poster was so well received. It is also why I was told “You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it.”

In the future, I will be creating and testing interactive virtual manual. I estimate it will be 20 times faster than paper and Google or any other search engine. This is not only because it is correct the first time, every time, but because it is one image that can cover the whole interior or exterior of an extraordinarily complex machine. I have created an interactive virtual manual for the Apollo 11 Command Module and you can see how easy it is to use at Apollo Spacecraft Intelligent Manual – Panoramic Edition ).

So that is nice, but why should the aerospace industry do this? It comes down to Money. According to DOT data, all costs for an aircraft on average comes to around $52 a minute. That includes crew, fuel, maintenance, and other variable costs. Now think of how it would reduce the lift per time, pound per minute calculation.

Example, last week we had a mechanical issue that cost us 40 minutes and at the end we had to come back to the gate. I would not have eliminated that issue, but I would have reduced it by a factor of 20. That would equate to 2 minutes instead of 40 minutes. That is a reduction in dwell time of 38 minutes.

If we take the time savings, 40 minus 2, that equates to 38 minutes. 38 times $52 comes to $1976. If those issues of dwell time happen each day, that comes to $721,240 a year. Not a bad savings.

The great thing is get to experiment. I let you see what I am working on at the World’s only Interactive Virtual Spacecraft Museum. Then I post the results of using the technology here. That’s why aerospace leader’s say “You are so far ahead of the industry that they won’t accept it.” But here you get to decide if I am too far ahead for you.

Free Beta Interactive Poster



My latest creation! An interactive poster of the Apollo Main Control Panel. You can print it out and put it on your wall. Then when someone sees it and asks you what the switches do, you can scan the QR codes with a smart device, pinch and zoom then click on the image to tell them! I made it to teach a STEM class on Spacecraft class so send it to all the teachers you know.