The Interactive Poster is a printable image of the control panels of the Apollo 11 Command Module Spacecraft Control Panel. They are color coded to designate the specific system the light, button, or switch comes from for easy reference.
The Interactive Poster is $20.00 and also has scannable QR Codes, which when scanned by a smart device, will bring up that section on the poster. The user can then pinch and zoom onto the specific component of interest and click on it to get its information.
Go to our Store to get your Interactive Poster today!
50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Command Control Panel | Patreon
The Interactive Poster also has scannable QR Codes, which when scanned by a smart device, will bring up that section on the poster. The user can then then pinch and zoom onto the specific component of interest and click on it to get it’s information.
You know how Elon Musk updates the Tesla software, downloads it to all his cars that have been sold, and improves every car’s performance since the beginning of production? Well, I came up with a way to do that to my interactive posters from the first one I created to the present!
Martin Lollar comments “I’d say it’s a great addition to the poster. At some point, it becomes a definitive reference and that is not only really fun, it’s useful.”
To obtain the poster, simply purchase the file and print it out on your computer. Or you can take it to a place with professional equipment for large printing jobs like, The UPS Store, and custom size your Interactive Poster.
Go to our Store to get your Interactive Poster today!
50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Command Control Panel | Patreon