Last week I was in the simulator for Recurrent Training. Before I stepped in the simulator, I went looking for company training material. I only found a one page syllabus with references I would have to look for using the search engine the company provided.
The problem is search engines are designed to be “sticky.” Time spent on Google has gone from 11:16 minutes down to 8:23 minutes. Think about That. Sitting for 8 minutes doing nothing and then study the flight material for 3 minutes. And that is an improvement in training? See Facebook, Google Lose Share Of Time Spent On-Site As Bing Sees Increase
But we need to go back to the Training Syllabus that started as a paper document. In the age of the internet, it was converted to a PDF with no functionality. No links, no functionality, nothing. It is no better than paper.
Sound familiar?
So I did the simplest thing I did to the 1969 Apollo Training Manual, I upgrading it creating an e-book. I linked the key words to the references. Something that sounds simple but no one does. That came to hours and hours of work, but the outcome, as always as I found with my e-book, was extremely powerful.
Then I did something crazy, I showed instructors what I created because I noticed the references were off. This was ironic because on the last day my instructor was the cousin of Alan Bean, the 4th person to walk on the Moon! Side note, Alan left his family’s names on the moon.
The instructors documented that my training syllabus was 9 times faster than the company material. Think about that, content experts who knew exactly were to find the material in the database were 9 times faster with my training tool.
How much faster for you? I left out the fact that my training syllabus, used by the instructors and pilots, took 3 seconds to find the reference material. If your jaw is not on the ground, and it should be, subtract 3 seconds from 503 seconds. Then think about for 8:20 minutes which is how much I reduced the Informational Foot Print. 503 seconds, or 8 minutes and 20 seconds, you would have wasted on Google instead of studying for training, preparing for your sales pitch, or creating material that you can sell.
Since I can’t give you the training syllabus for the 250 seat Airplane I fly oversees, I will have to direct you to my e-book based on this principle. Not only does it include these principles, but other even more efficient principles. I will be testing these principles on pilots and instructors for later articles. Stay tuned!
If you are an Apollo Spacecraft geek like me, you can use it when you visit museums with Apollo material. Imagine taking the exact Training Material that Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins used to be the first Team to make it to the surface of the Moon, and be 9 times faster than they were at finding the answer on Apollo 11.
This e-book is a glimpse into the future of what our manuals, and books, can become. Imagine the wisdom of Leonardo DaVinci telling the basic concept of his invention with links to future engineering products in our schools teaching children to be future astronauts.
Then there is the speed of using voice commands. But that is another incredible tool you can see here.
Did I mention my syllabus is correct the first time, every time? Think about that.
I like perusing your web site. Thanks a ton!
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